News Grewell, David; Srinivasan, Gowrishankar; Cochran, Eric W. “Depolymerization of Post-Consumer Polylactic Acid Products”. Journal of Renewable Materials, 2(3), 157–165 August 2014. Apr 8, 2021read more Bergman, James A.; Cochran, Eric W.; Heinen, Jennifer M. “Role of the segment distribution in the microphase separation of acrylic diblock and triblock terpolymers”. Polymer, 55(16), 4206–4215 August 2014. Apr 8, 2021read more Podolsky, Joeseph; Studer, Jesse; Williams, R. Christopher; Cochran, Eric W. “Low Temperature Performance of Bio-Derived/Chemical Additives in Warm Mix Asphalt”. ASCE Cold Regions Engineering, 241–251 July 2015. Apr 8, 2021read more « Older Entries Next Entries »
Grewell, David; Srinivasan, Gowrishankar; Cochran, Eric W. “Depolymerization of Post-Consumer Polylactic Acid Products”. Journal of Renewable Materials, 2(3), 157–165 August 2014. Apr 8, 2021read more
Bergman, James A.; Cochran, Eric W.; Heinen, Jennifer M. “Role of the segment distribution in the microphase separation of acrylic diblock and triblock terpolymers”. Polymer, 55(16), 4206–4215 August 2014. Apr 8, 2021read more
Podolsky, Joeseph; Studer, Jesse; Williams, R. Christopher; Cochran, Eric W. “Low Temperature Performance of Bio-Derived/Chemical Additives in Warm Mix Asphalt”. ASCE Cold Regions Engineering, 241–251 July 2015. Apr 8, 2021read more