Podolsky, Joseph H.; Buss, Ashley; Studer, Jesse; Williams, R. Christopher; Cochran, Eric W. “The Rutting and Stripping Resistance of Warm and Hot Mix Asphalt using Bio-additives”. International Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 353–361 October 2015.
Laflamme, Simon; Saleem, Hussam S; Elkashef, Mohamed; Wang, Kejin; Cochran, Eric W. “Conductive paint-filled cement paste sensor for accelerated percolation”. SPIE Proceeedings, 9437, 943722 April 2015.

Behling, Ross E.; Kalluru, Sri-Harsha; Cochran, Eric W. “Morphological and Mechanical Behavior Of Montmorillonite Grafted Block Copolymer Brushes”. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 54(2), 353–361 November 2015.